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Queen Elizabeth II Primary School, Pomeroy

Agri-Food Supply Chain Initiative Celebration Assembly

13th Jun 2024

Today we were joined by Keith Williamson (ABP), William Delaney (Certified Irish Angus Producer Group) and Denver Willis (QE II P.S. Board of Governor) to mark the final part of the Agri-Food Supply Chain Initiative at QE II P.S. The morning began with a short video created by KS2 pupils, using the Green screen app to recreate their own retail site tour.  An informative question and answer session followed. The assembly ended with the presentation of pupil certificates and a review of the posters created by the pupils using the Adobe app.

Thank you to everyone who worked so hard to make this collaboration happen. Our pupils have greatly benefited from this enriching and memorable experience. A special thanks to Denver Willis who proposed this project and supported Mrs Robinson in making the project a great success.